Lamoni Rose Hill Cemetery

Lamoni Rose Hill Cemetery Prices

Rose Hill Interment Rates (as of January 2025)

The funeral home can tell you how this gets paid. If there is no funeral home for a cremains burial then contact us with the outside dimensions of the container. All prices below include $250 for ongoing grounds care and the rest is what contractor charges us for the open/close. We are not a perpetual care cemetery. Our expenses are met by lot sales, burial fees, endowments, subsidies/grants, and donations.
Type of Interment Mon-Fri Sat Sun/Holiday1
Traditional (full size vaulted casket) $900 $1,000 $1,100
Cremains - single-size (12"x12" max opening) $325 $325 $375
Cremains - double-size (ex. 10"x20" container) $375 $375 $425
Cremains - quad-size (ex. 20"x20" urn vault) $475 $475 $525
Headstone Only (no future burial expected)2 $250
1New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are holidays, however burials are not allowed on Memorial Day because of high traffic and visitors.
2If no future burial is expected please contact us to pay the $250 cemetery fee.

Burial Space Price

$525 per space (most spaces are 3½ x 10 feet)
The foundation and cap for your monument must be at least 3" from the plot boundary. If your family may want a monument and its foundation wider than 36" then purchase two adjacent spaces.